Friday, August 5, 2011

Flower power Italian style

Our adventure in Sicily began when we arrived in Palermo by boat a little earlier than expected.... 6:30am to be precise. We ambled along the coast road but still arrived in Cefalu too early to get into our rented apartment. We wandered around town but restless, we decided to head out of town to a well-recommended restaurant in Castelbuono.

Thirty minutes later we followed our trusted GPS who took us on an encounter with pedestrian alley ways in the "Centro historico" only to ditch the car and find our way by foot to the restaurant with the most unpronounceable of names..... Nangalarruni. Known for its truffle dishes, the food was fantastic!

This is how we stumbled upon the 'infiorata' festival held two days prior. The festival lasts only 4-5 days until the flower petals wilt and the whole town participates in making these beautiful designs. The theme commemorated Italy's 150th anniversary and above are just a couple of the wonderful flower designs on display. You can see more in this video from last year's festival which captures how the beautiful designs are created:

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